Why is there an endless procession of programmes about food on the television currently ? It has gone beyond the celebrity chef business and now there are competitive shows such as ‘Masterchef’ which take non-celebrity chefs and subject them to a series of tasks against the clock. It turns cooking into a form of sport, with all the accompanying analysis and attendant nonsense. There is an obsessive almost pornographic attention to details of the ingredients, a fetishisation of the food, an unnatural closeness and interest in the minutiae and appearance of the food being prepared. Then there is the ritual serving to the stern faced judges who pronounce gravely on whether the dishes are good enough and have stimulated their jaded palettes.
It is all utterly ridiculous and yet is treated so reverentially as if lives were at stake. And it goes on for hours and hours repetitiously, like a never ending loop. It is inane, an hour of watching other people cook.
There really is not a great deal more to say about it as it is so fundamentally stupid and deeply boring. Cooking on TV is well past its sell by date and needs to be permanently binned.
John H alerted me to your blog - Well said!
I am overwhelmed with the amount of food TV there is in the UK- apart from the moral compass perspective there is just too much emphasis on preparation and presentation - It is as you say pornographic , which I have nothing against but it should be moderated- My feelings have intensified spending more time in Thailand trying different things and where they understand the relationship between food it's relevance to different aspects of life and living - I find UK food TV one dimensional and missing the point.
I would disagree that there’s " there's nothing more to say on it" - I think food has to be understood to be presented and the fact appears that the professional chefs each have an understanding but this is being packaged by TV people for mass consumption - they cannot universally package a life sense like that - people are being spoon fed entertainment which bears little relation to the celebration of many aspects of food - Food is life and all is involves - same as sex which has much more to it than pornography
Another example of UK TV audiences are being manipulated and drugged with a one dimensional force fed view - people should learn to understand and experience food not watch a distorted presentation of it - audiences are being manipulated and drugged with this nonsense.
UK TV producers are literally taking their audiences lives.
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