Wednesday 3 February 2010


Listening to the improbably named Jock Stirrup, nickname Jock, oddly enough, and others discussing the proposals for possible cuts to the military budget or our National Security as it is neatly flipped to when necesssary, I was struck by the way all the irritating current business terms were being used as if this was just any other industry. You know the sort of thing, increased efficency by multi-layered integration synergyzzzz etc.
It may be seen as a business by those involved but couching the discussion in the sort of facile trendy terms that are used throughout the management and economic ' expert ' fields just adds to the disgust I feel for the continued blind acceptance that the whole military superstructure is a perfectly normal and vital part of the country's life.
Even some senior soldiers, Mike Jackson for example, are now expressing doubts that what they do is productive, and conceed that sometimes it is not.
Someone described what the UK want to be as a mini-Superpower, is that not an oxymoron ? I, for one don't want to be a mini-Superpower.