Friday, 29 October 2010


I am not an enthusiast of mobile phones, I do not and never have owned one. They have always seemed like a tracking device as much as a communication tool in my eyes.

But that is incidental to this issue, which is corporate tax avoidance. The articles linked, especially the Private Eye piece, which is particularly revealing of the type of people that are being appointed by this government, explain far better than I could.

Click on title above for link to :
There is to be further Direct Action in London tomorrow, beginning with a gathering at Speakers Corner at 11:00am.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Austerity : Common Sense or Nonsense ?

This is a straightforward explanation of why the ' we are all in this together ' lie is just that, a LIE and the BBC are being used to broadcast propaganda about benefit cheats on the same day that cuts in benefits are announced. And still not one the executives or directors of any of the financial institutions that caused this situation have been prosecuted in the UK.

Why are the riots and blockades in France being almost totally ignored ? The port of Marseilles is closed down, the French government is deploying large numbers of what are effectively quasi-military police. Meanwhile here the government announces the most extraordinary vindictive and unjust reforms to the already inadequate benefit system which will, for example, require ' long term ', ie one year, unemployed to pay 10% of their rent out of £65.50 a week. This is especially onerous because if you have been on JSA for a year you are likely to have little or no savings. There is a slogan 'Cant pay, Wont Pay ' and there is only so far you can push people. There is a song, ' I predict a riot ', I don't particularly like the song, nor want a riot, but its getting ever more close.